My new motto

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Day, Another Snowstorm

Another Monday, another messy snowstorm. It snowed all day today, so there was plenty of snow for Owen to watch them move when we got home from school this afternoon. It amazes me how fascinated he is with the plows! Even Curious George can't take his attention away from the plows. He ate his dinner on the ottaman, so he could stare out the window & watch them "dump the snow".

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Owen's Bike Helmet

Today was another warm day, so we tried to spend lots of time outside. Owen & daddy played outside & ran around in the morning. Owen & I took took a walk & rode his bike in the afternoon. Of course, Owen likes to push his bike & crash into what is left of the snow (they tell us more is coming tonight!) almost as much as he likes to ride it. We decided to give the bike helmet a try today, to get him used to it in case spring really arrives. He did really well w/ it (he HATED it last summer!) & even wore it in the house after.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stone Zoo

It was a beautiful March day today, 60 degrees & sunny! Since it was so nice out, we decided to do something outside. So, after lunch we headed down to the Stone Zoo. The Zoo itself was pretty disappointing (we new in advance it was the lesser of the 2 zoos, but wanted to save Franklin Park for summer). The zoo grounds were very muddy & icey, making it tricky & messy to maneuver, especially w/ the stroller. Since it is still winter, a lot of the animals weren't on exhibit. And many of the animals that were still there were sleeping or very difficult to see. We did get a great view of the Black Bear exhibit & saw the bears playing & fighting with each other. Owen enjoyed seeing some of the different birds (Crane, Flamingos, MacCaw) that they had. He had fun walking around & exploring everything. It was a nice way to spend a few hours on a beautiful afternoon, but I am glad we didn't pay for it (since we have a Zoo membership from Philly).

On our way home we stopped at Whole Foods in Woburn to check it out. We ate our way through the store :-) We would love to go back sometime when Owen is a little more cooporative.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Peanut Allergy :-(

Owen had an in-office challenge for peanuts today. Despite having passed the initial SPT (skin prick test) w/ serum & the RAST (blood) test, he failed todays challenge.

Started w/ a skin test w/ fresh peanut butter. The peanut butter was smaller than the histamine, but larger than the control. The nurse educator who was doing the test didn't measure it, said it was basically negative & he just has really sensitive skin. I wasn't convinced, b/c he has never been bigger than the control b/f, but went w/ it.

Started trying the peanut butter every 15 minutes (the first amount was so small it was hard to get it in his mouth, off the tongue depressor). He didn't want it the first time, but asked for more the 2nd time. Had the third amount & then started playing w/ his tongue & itching. Ended up w/ a red rash on the top of his chest & the small bumps on his abdomen becoming more pronounced. His already red cheeks & chin got redder. She gave him Benadryl immediatly. Said she couldn't explain it given all the negative tests, but it was clearly a reaction. Went to draw up the plan & find the Dr.

We were able to see the Dr for a minute. He confirmed that it is unusal to test negative & have a reaction, but that given this reaction & what happened at home we have to consider him allergic. He thinks that it might be something that happens in digestion that creates the allergy for him (similar to what we think happens w/ milk & soy). Makes sense to me & explains why his reactions are delayed compared to what is expected. The difficult thing is since he tests negative, there is no way to monitor his levels except to repeat the challenge.

They are faxing in an Rx for an Epi-pen Jr & she had me practice w/ the trainer. I picked up the Benadryl when we stopped for Owen's treat.

We were told to avoid all peanuts, tree nuts & x-contam.

Owen did awesome, I was so proud of him! And the RN kept thanking me for being so calm & for my existing knowledge. Apparently she usually works w/ a bunch of dummies for parents

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Dump The Snow"

Owen is amazed by tractors & plows. He could stare out the window for hours watching them plow our parking lot. It is the only thing, besides Curious George, that he will actually sit still for. Today's storm dumped over 10 inches of snow on us, so there is lots of plowing to watch. Owen & daddy had a great time watching the Bobcat pick up the snow & dump it over the side!

Stroller Rides

Owen pulled his umbrella stroller out of the closet yesterday. Since then he has been taking turns riding around the house in it & pushing "Melmo" in it. He is so cute, he even makes sure that "Melmo" has a snack when he is in the stroller. Now if only he would sit as nicely in the stroller while we are out as he does around the house!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hoodie Love

Owen has developed a new love for his hoodie sweatshirts (he wore it to bed tonight!). He loves to put his hood up & makes anyone else who is wearing one put their hood on too. He looks so comfy & cozy, perfect for the impending snow storm.

Please Mom mom

We have been working on saying "please" when we ask for something or want something this week, while on vacation. Owen is doing a great job & kept saying "up mom mom", "pease?".

Silly Eater

Saturday was a day of silly eating for Owen. He started by wanting ketchup for breakfast. We finally compromised on ketchup in his pita bread. Yum! Pickles followed for a late morning snack. Grandpa & Uncle Chris must be so proud! Then he ate an apple using keys. For lunch he tried some "Mac & Chreese" (dairy free & soy free) that daddy found. He gobbled it right up. But then made it even better by dumping his pineapple into it. Mmm....yummy!