My new motto

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Alpaca Farm

I went to Sarah's baby shower this afternoon, so Owen, daddy, Auntie Cheri & Uncle Brian went to a local alpaca farm for an open house. I am so jealous, I love alpacas! Owen was a little nervous to feed them at first, but warmed up quickly & didn't want to leave. The woman who owned the farm was very friendly & passionate. She even gave Steve some alpaca wool to bring home to me to see if I am allergic to it (apparently most people who are allergic to wool aren't allergic to alapaca wool). Uncle Brian bought some alpaca wool socks to keep his feet toasty warm this winter.

It looks like a fun day & I hope to go back with them sometime,

Friday, November 28, 2008

Snuggling with Daddy

After a long day of Black Friday shopping (Owen was a great shopper & we got some really good deals!), Owen & daddy snuggled with a story before going to bed early. The 3 monkeys had to go night-night with him too.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We skipped the football game this year, but still went to breakfast at Denny's. Then we went to Auntie Debbie's for dinner. Owen brought his own mashed potatoes, stuffing & veggies. He LOVED the stuffing! He also enjoyed turkey, pickles & black olives.

Owen discovered Jonathan's Cars slippers & had a great time wearing them around the house.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Laundry basket rides with Boo

Owen loves laundry basket rides & tonight he convinced Boo to ride with him. Not sure if Boo will be joining him again, but Owen had a blast!

Owen & his nebulizer

Owen needs his nebulizer twice a day as a preventative med (more when he is sick) & he has become such a pro. He actually goes to the machine, brings us the mouth piece & then sits down & waits for it. He is doing such a good job he can even do it by himself sometimes! Of course, putting Curious George on helps too :-)

A Busy Novemeber

It is has been a busy month for us. I fell & sprained my ankle & was on crutches for 10 days (still have an air cast). Just as we were recovering from that, we all came down w/ a nasty stomach bug. Grandma & Grandpa came for a visit, but they both got the bug too. Add in parent teacher conferences, Owen's 18 month appointment, a few baby showers & all the regular stuff & it has made for a very crazy month in our house.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The New Children's Museum

On Saturday we went to the new Children's Museum (now in Dover, formerlly in Portsmouth) w/ our friends Andy, Becky & their little boy Matthew. Matty is 6 weeks younger than Owen. The boys are at an in-between age for the museum, too young for downstairs & too old for upstairs (except for the train). But, they had lots of fun watching, climbing & running around. Unfortunately, Matty did a little too much running around & took a big tumble at the end of our adventure. But, we all had fun & can't wait to play together again soon!

I was disappointed that the yellow submarine is different & there is no longer a spaceship or lobster boat. But, the post office is still there & other fun new things.