My new motto

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Then Again, Maybe We Don't

So, today I got a copy of Owen's lab report. It shows that Owen responded to 6 out of 12 serotypes, or 50%. However, it states that "should respond to at least approximately 70% of pneumoccal serotypes". Clearly 50% is not at least 70%!!!! I am so upset & frustrated!!! I will be calling the office in the AM!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

We have antibodies!!

Today was 1 week since Owen's blood draw for the pneumonia titer re-vaccination test. The Dr had said it would take several days to a week to get the results, so I anxiously checked my phone all day. By the time I was able to check my messages, I had one from the Dr saying that she had the results & please call to discuss them. Then there was one from the nurse, requesting that I call to discuss his test results. Uh-oh, 2 calls w/ test results in less than 2 hours? I usually have to stalk the Dr's office for test results. I called the office during my lunch & both the Dr & the nurse were at lunch. Of course! I finally connected with the nurse after school & was told that Owen's test results were NORMAL!!! He made antibodies!! Yay! Of course, that means we still don't know what is making him sick. So, we need to go see another pediatric pneumologist for a 2nd opinion and the biopsy for cillary disfunction. Unfortunately, the first available appoinment isn't until June 18 :-( It is going to be a l-o-n-g 3.5 months! Owen is already sick again.

Hopefully we are starting to get somewhere & get some more puzzle pieces put together. Yay for streptoccus pneumoniae antibodies!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Children's Museum w/ JackO

Yesterday we went to the Boston Children's Museum with Owen's best friend Jack (& his mom Jen). We all had so much fun! I don't even think the boys needed the museum, they had a blast playing in the lockers. be 3!! The boys were adorable together! I could watch them talk & play all day!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Snow Day that Almost Wasn't....

Today we had a snow day, even though the snow didn't start to fall till much later. We were able to get some errands done in the morning & have snow day fun in the afternoon. We made Rice Krispy treats w/ our yummy Valentine's marshmallows. Once the snow started, it came down hard & fast. Our yard looks so much prettier w/ snow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Owen & Daddy Day

I have school on President's Day, but Owen's school is closed. So, Steve took the day off for the 2nd annual "Owen & Daddy Day". They went snowshoeing, to the park & to the SEE Science Center. Owen tried snowshoes by himself for the first time! He wanted poles (like mommy & daddy) but other than that, he loved it! And, I think he is the cutest little snowshoer ever! :-)